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俞湉:Should Animals Be Kept In Zoos?

2016/1/30 关注人数:8476

(俞湉  北辰班   200011月生)

Zoos are places where animals are kept in cages or enclosures for public exhibition. Some people argue that animals should be kept in zoos whiles others feel zoos only serve as prisons for animals. So, should animals be kept in zoos?

According to a survey done in my school, fifteen students think it’s a good idea to keep animals in zoos, and thirty-five students detest the idea of having animals put in enclosures.

Students who didn’t see anything wrong with animals being locked up in enclosures argued; zoos serve as an easier and cheaper means of seeing animals from around the globe for people who cannot afford to make trips to their natural habitats. They also stated that animals are well cared for in zoos and are given a chance to live their natural life spans without being killed by predators.

Whiles students, who think otherwise, counter argued by drawing a parallel between the life of an animal in a zoo and that of a man, sentenced to life in prison from birth, without committing any crime.

Personally, I think animals should be kept in nature reserves. Animals in the wild are equipped with the necessary survival instincts, which cannot be acquired in zoos. Safari trips could be organized by people who would like to observe these animals in their natural habitat.



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